So I wake up this morning, take the dog out, and like a retard, jump on Twitter for the current 2 minutes hate (an Orwell reference, I hope some of you get). I see super outrage regarding a large libertarian podcast discussing the age of consent from over a year ago. I only recognized one of the people (as I do not listen or subscribe to this large libertarian podcast) - Thad Russell, who already has earned himself quite a reputation for defending underage consent. My favorite part about him is that his podcast is called the “Unregistered Podcast.” Thad, it is absolutely perfect. Another member of the discussion was talking about how things would work in utopian Ancapistan, and for the life of me I cannot understand why this is still a discussion, at all. The fixation on age of consent is blatant nonsense, genuinely a waste of time. You do not need to be a parent to feel strongly about protecting children, and this discussion has gone on far too long in this circle. In fact, I would even go as far as to RAISE the age in which a person becomes an adult, maybe to 21. At 18, most people still don’t know what they are doing, and have not fully developed emotionally. Time to move on, and leave these people in the dust. You can like all libertarian ideas fine, but once someone hears this discussion, it’s over. People don’t want to discuss it anymore because it has been a point of contention with 99% of people for eons. On Youse Guys, I have openly advocated for capital punishment for those who harm children, and having their bodies put on display, much like what was done to pirates during the Golden Age of piracy, “ye be warned..” That, and rape, ought to receive the ultimate punishment, permanent removal from the island. How this is debatable, is beyond me.
This issue is just one of many that has moved me further and further away from liberty circles, to the point where I am not sure if I belong, or want to belong. Does anyone really see a revolution developing in their lifetime? Would it be the one you specifically will subscribe to? Will this revolution share your principles? Maybe, maybe not so much.
My sixth great-grandfather joined the Continental Army in 1775, and lived until 1820, receiving a pension for his contribution. Before I did the whole DNA test, I considered myself a Son of the Revolution, and most importantly, a dedicated Son of the principles of the Revolution: that all human beings are equal and endowed by either their creator or by Natural Law certain unalienable Rights. This was clearly after my days as a Trotskyist, circa 2001. What if the Revolution had gone a different way, say like France? These things take on a direction that is not easily predictable, for sure, so be careful what you wish for..
Same goes for the commies who write poetry on iPads at Starbucks who think they will be creating feminist art after the revolution in the total comfort they currently enjoy. I still consider myself a son of those revolutionary principles, but how many other people do? I discussed the interpretation of freedom and liberty with my 19 year old son, and how those two definitions can vary widely between individuals. You will also hear “freedom from fear, freedom from want” and so on, positive and negative rights, and so on. So, adherence to revolutionary principles regarding equality, Rights and what they entail are very different as we go door to door, certainly not universally agreed upon.
Back to Ancapistan in my head. I do not want to live there, so I won’t. I will move on from that. Does that mean I shed my principles, certainly not. Does it mean I start voting democrat, or republican? No, it does not. What it means is it is time to adjust the lens that I use to see the world. Make the circle even smaller, and worry far less about if the fire is rising. It probably isn’t. Present people this choice in Cleveland, or Northeast Ohio as a whole: you get a federal government that is totally accountable to you, or the Browns win the Super Bowl two years in a row, your call. I am sure you can hazard a guess as to what the people would select.
That isn’t something you can fight or overcome. Patchwork, localism, small communities, real agorism, that works. Local means you can reach it easily, which may translate into more accountability. Is it worth a shot? Sure, unless the rest of us have more pressing engagements. Does this mean I shed my black flag and all that? I don’t know right now, maybe so, or maybe not. Time will tell, I am sure.
Thanks for enjoying, or being disgusted by this early morning word salad. I will do my best to not open Twitter in the morning, as it really started the day off in poor fashion.
- Jay
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